A Library for Worth Township

A Library for Worth Township

Our Proposal

For many years, we have been pleased to provide a no-cost Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library Card to Worth Township residents. Now, after much behind the scenes work, Library staff and Board are excited to be able to offer the Worth Township Advisory Board a full proposal to extend permanent Library services to the community.


A contract between the Library and the Worth Township Trustee, James Baldwin, provides the framework we currently use to provide Library Cards to Worth residents, with the trustee covering the cost of one card per household. On Tuesday, July 14 at 6:30 PM in the Whitestown Lions Club Park shelter, we will present a proposal to provide full Library benefits to every Worth Township citizen and build a branch within the community.

To do this, we need your help! Would you review the summary of our proposal and share your thoughts and support by:

  • Attending the Worth Township Advisory Board meeting* at 6:30 PM Tuesday, July 14 at Whitestown Lions Club Park shelter and sharing your thoughts about our proposal.
  • Emailing the Worth Township Trustee, James Baldwin, to share your thoughts before the meeting at trustee@worthtownship.org.
  • Sending us your Library Branch wants and needs at askalib@zionsvillelibrary.org

Our proposal includes building a full-service, library branch within the Township that will provide the same high-level services, materials, events, and outreach to all residents that you have enjoyed through our Zionsville location. This includes several free downloadable and streaming services, access to Tutor.com to help you and your student, and many educational and entertaining events for all ages. Oh, and don’t forget the books, movies, magazines, comics, music, and more!

We are also quick to respond to changing circumstances. Hussey-Mayfield Library recently added new services like Curbside Pickup and Chat with a Librarian.

Providing more for less

All new library services do come at a cost, but we are uniquely positioned to provide these benefits to residents at a lower tax rate. Over the next two weeks, Worth Township will consider proposals from both the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library and the Lebanon Public Library. In a baseline comparison, our proposal comes in at approximately half the cost to taxpayers than Lebanon’s – for a building of the same size and with the same size operating budget . We would also offer a wider array of quality services and resources which are already available through the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Library.  If you are not familiar with all of our free services, browse our Digital Library Branch to see what we have to offer.

If you are a Zionsville resident, you may be wondering how this expansion will affect your Library service. Once a Worth Township branch is completed, you will have access to a second location conveniently situated near the west side of town and popular shopping. You will also enjoy more resources, events, and staff to serve and help you. These benefits would be available with only a very slight tax increase of about one cent per $100 of adjusted assessed home values, depending on the chosen size of the new branch library.

We’ve published our proposal summary and a detailed cost comparison on our website for you to freely review.

How we got here

Be heard

We are very excited to share our proposal with the Advisory Board and Worth Township residents. We hope you will attend this meeting* Tuesday, July 14 at 6:30 PM at the Whitestown Lions Club Park shelter, 107 N. Main St., Whitestown. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please send your thoughts by email to the Worth Township Trustee at trustee@worthtownship.org.

A follow-up meeting*, with a possible vote on the two library service proposals, is scheduled to take place Tuesday, July 21 at 6:30 PM at the park shelter.

Thank you for your continued support and for helping us win approval for our Worth Township expansion proposal!

*It is recommended that you bring your own chair to the meeting.