The Library will be CLOSED Monday, February 17 for President’s Day.

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Online Resources

You’ll love our online resources. Feel free to browse the links below, but have your Library card handy. These resources are exclusively available to Library cardholders. Don’t forget, resources that can only be used inside the Library are marked with an asterisk (*).

Visit the Library Apps page for mobile access to some of your favorite Library resources.

Welcome To Our Digital Library Branch!

2025 Fuel Economy Guide

Each Year DOE and EPA publish the Fuel Economy Guide to help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing a vehicle. The Guide features information on fuel economy, annual fuel cost, and emissions for new model year cars, sport utility vehicles, and light trucks.

Beanstack logo

Discover great books and earn incentives through the Beanstack reading program.

Book Connections

Resources that enrich the reading experience of children's and young adult books.


BookFlix pairs interactive, fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks.

Business Source Complete

Find books, journals and more on this business-centric database.

Business Wire News

Search this database focused on Regional Business News.

Find update information regarding everything you need to know about the U.S. census.

Britannica Library

Trusted, award-winning, and easy-to-use information source with three available levels--Children, Young Adults, and Reference Center

Consumer health complete logo
Consumer Health Complete (Multilingual Health Databases)

Visit this resource for information on health and wellness.

Consumer Reports

Read full articles and product reviews online. Free, 24/7 access with your Library Card.


Stream award-winning art and craft video classes! Nurture your creativity and be inspired.

EBSCO Discovery

Search more than 70,000 publishers for your next research project.

Entrepreneurial Studies Sources

Search a database focused around Entrepreneurial Studies.


An authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.

Explora Educator Edition

EBSCO's research interface designed specifically for students and educators.

Explora for Elementary Students

EBSCO's research interface designed specifically for students and educators.

Explora for Middle School Students

EBSCO's research interface designed specifically for students and educators.

Explora for High School Students

EBSCO's research interface designed specifically for students and educators.

Gale ChiltonLibrary

Reliable automotive help online 24/7 through ChiltonLibrary, trusted by automotive enthusiasts and professionals for more than 100 years.

Gale LegalForms

Gale LegalForms offers a wide selection of essential state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms that may be customized for the most common legal procedures.


A research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.

History Reference Source

A full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals and thousands of primary source documents.


Instantly borrow eBooks, audiobooks, comics, movies, music, TV shows & more on your mobile device, TV, or computer.

Hoosier State Chronicles logo
Hoosier State Chronicles

Search and discover more than 120,000 digitized Indiana Newspaper issues.

Indiana Legacy

Birth, marriage, death, divorce information & more from a collection of searchable Indiana history & vital record databases.

Indiana Memory logo
Indiana Memory

Access the gateway to Indiana's history and culture through books, images, and more.


IndieFlix is a streaming movie service that offers access to pop culture favorites, box office hits, award-winning feature films, documentaries, and shorts. Find it in the Libby app.

Inspire logo

When you need reliable and verifiable information, go where the experts go.


Instantly stream entertainment to your preferred device.

Legal Information Source

An online database designed to assist the general public in legal matters of all kinds.

LearningExpress Library

Improve your academic skills, prepare for high-stakes tests, & explore colleges, careers & more.


Enjoy the Libby app experience through your browser. Borrow digital eBooks, audiobooks, magazines & videos with your Library Card & pin. Powered by Overdrive.

Libby Kids

Explore our collection of eBooks and audiobooks perfect for youth reading levels, plus classic movies.

Libby Magazines

Unlimited checkouts on thousands of magazines, including a collection of back issues.

Library Tutorials

Learn how to use our many Digital Library Branch services through these video tutorials!


LOTE4Kids was developed for libraries and schools to grow their World Language picture book collections, to help engage culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families and support kids learning a language. We hope your community will enjoy and benefit from your new LOTE4Kids subscription!

Medline Plus logo
Medline Plus

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families.

Newspaper Source Plus

A full-text digital collection of the world's major news content.


A full-text database that contains harvested news from the Associated Press.

*New York Times Online

(Inside Library) Access to breaking news articles, blogs, videos, and interactive features.

New York Times Online

(Outside Library) Access to breaking news articles, blogs, videos and interactive features.

Novelist Plus logo

Find what to read next. Novelist advises fiction readers on their next book.


Borrow digital content (eBooks, videos, and audiobooks) with your card number and pin using your free Overdrive account.

Points of View Reference Source

A database containing resources that present multiple sides of controversial issues to better assess and understand them.

Qello Concerts

Full-length concert videos & music documentaries streamed on-demand when LOGGED IN to the Libby App. Enjoy work by: Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Aerosmith & more.

Reference Solutions

Business professionals may create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis & much more.

Rosetta Stone logo
Rosetta Stone Library Solution

Choose from 30 languages or learn more than one language at a time.

Scholastic Teachables

Scholastic Teachables offers parents and home school teachers the opportunity to search and print thousands of Pre- K to 6th grade educational materials created by teachers.

Small Business Source

Full text consumer small business reference books, as well as tools and instructions to address a range of small business topics.

Stingray Classica

Stream performances of classical concerts, operas, and ballets to your favorite devices. Now available when logged into the Libby app. Find it in the Libby app.


An engaging collection of resources that brings books to life for K - 12 students and teachers.


Engaging subject-area content in science & social studies for Grades 3 - 6. Hone literacy skills & bolster your understanding of crucial subjects.

TumbleBooks logo

Looking to build reading, math, and literacy skills? Visit the TumbleBooks library.

Vocational and Career Collection

Trade and industry-related publications to support research on a variety of technical and vocational fields.


Business-focused, international daily newspaper online


Discover the latest additions to our library.

Questions? Our team is available to help