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Do the Moon Walk

Do the Moon Walk

Summer Reading Moonwalk Wellness Challenge

May 28 – July 27

Let’s get moving and find out how many times our Zionsville Summer Reading participants can walk around the moon! Record the amount of daily steps you take using a pedometer and enter them into our community form found here: https://bit.ly/MoonwalkSRP . (It seems we listed the wrong information for this link in our Summer Newsletter, so please use this new and improved version!)

For every day that you input your steps on the form, you will be entered into a raffle to win one of several wellness-themed prizes, including the grand prize – a new Fitbit Inspire HR!

Walking is an important and effective way to stay active and get some exercise. Whether you are challenging yourself to become more fit, looking for a great family activity, or simply interested in taking a chance to win prizes, our Summer Reading Moonwalk Wellness Challenge is for you!

If we can collectively walk 6,786 miles, we will have walked all the way around the moon! That’s 14,332,032 steps – can we do it?