The Library will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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Found in a Book

Found in a Book

A thankfulness campaign for the Library Staff!


Have you ever FOUND something unexpected IN A BOOK?


Maybe you found an inspiring character, a new idea, or maybe notes in the margins. Maybe it was even something tangible like a pressed flower, newspaper article, or a forgotten note or letter.


What if you send something unexpected when you RETURN your next book?


FOUND IN A BOOK is a thankfulness campaign for the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library. Let the Library staff know how thankful you are for all they did to bring the Library into our homes this year. When you return books from now through Labor Day, consider sending something that can be FOUND IN A BOOK!


Pick up a FOUND IN A BOOK brochure and bookmark at the Library or print one out at home. Use the bookmark to let the library staff know that you sent a treasure inside your returned book! 


Just a few ideas (be creative—get the kids involved):

• a simple thank you (see the back of bookmark)

• a story about something found in a book

• a picture or drawing as a thank you

• a photo enjoying a Library resource

• a monetary donation (big or small)


Monetary donations can be sent in care of the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library Foundation (HMMPLF) via check or, if you prefer, a credit card online at the secure link


Don’t forget to spread the word. When you leave a gift to be FOUND IN A BOOK, post a photo on Instagram @foundinabook_org or @HMMPLFoundation on Facebook and Twitter.


Through your donation to Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library Foundation, you will help the Library recover lost revenue from room rental fees and fundraisers planned but not able to occur because of COVID-19.


With your donation, you will help keep our community resource secure and thriving.