Color Our World Gala – Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Get dressed up, have fun, and wear your sneakers!
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Have you heard of the Library Foundation?

The front entrance to the Zionsville Library

Have you heard of the Library Foundation?

Have you heard of the Hussey-Mayfield Library Foundation? I admit – when I started with the Foundation in December neither had I! Library Foundation grants have funded many of our most popular programs like the Summer Reading Program as well as necessary infrastructure such as Wi-Fi.

The Library Foundation has quietly funded grants to our public library for over 20 years thanks to the legacy gifts of the Hoffman, Hussey and Mayfield families.  We are very soon going to grow out of the Library Foundation’s endowment-like funding capacity.  Our community is growing, and the needs of our residents are diversifying.

The Institute of Museums and Library Services recently reported that libraries have become community centers, as many of us here in Zionsville and Whitestown already realize.  What are the future trends of libraries?  Some have maker spaces, recording studios, seed libraries, and some even loan out blood pressure cuffs and power tools.  Our Library staff and board are visionary, and the Foundation wants to be there to help fund innovative programs to “Connect Zionsville” and our service area.

How have we kept up with important trends? Our Summer Reading Program teen events were at capacity last year, so crucial at a time when 70% of teens say anxiety and depression are critical issues among their peers (Pew Research Center).  An aging population means libraries are changing their collections and programs (American Library Association), and we are with large print Crackerjack Box Book Club supplies and classes in everything from to chair yoga to AARP tax help.

Zionsville Community Schools project that we will add 200 students a year for the next ten years.  A growing population does mean our local tax base will grow, but that doesn’t equate to keeping up with the needs of the community.  Our library campus will still be the same size as our population grows. Our circulation was at an all-time high in 2018. Our events last year were attended by more individuals than ever.  We must be prepared for our growing community.

You can be a part of the Foundation legacy today.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  Would you like to learn more about the Foundation? Call me at 317-873-3149 ext. 14483 or email me at

Tracy Phillips, Chief Development Officer