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Increased Privacy for Your Hold Items

Increased Privacy for Your Hold Items

The Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library is a leader in ensuring our patrons’ privacy is a priority.  Updating our hold slips is an important step in this direction.

Our new slips combine the first three letters of your last name with the last four digits of Library card number.  This updated design ensures your hold items are completely anonymous.  


Log into your Library account & start placing items on hold, or call us at 317-873-3149 and we can place holds for you.

Evergreen sends you a notification when your items are available and ready to get picked up.  Then, either stop by and check out your holds in person or use our Curbside Holds Pickup service to take your Library materials home.

Holds stay on the shelf for 7 days, but let us know if you need a little extra time to pick up your items!  Contact the Circulation Department at circ@hmmpl.org or 317-873-8340 for assistance.