Feb 07, 2019 International Fair
Bringing the World to Zionsville!
Do you enjoy learning about countries and cultures other than your own? Have you ever wanted to spend a little time in another country but don’t have the means or the time? If so, put this coming Saturday afternoon, February 9th, 2 – 3:30 PM on your calendar and make your way to the Hussey-Mayfield Library for our 10th International Fair!
There will be 16 countries represented with tables full of cultural curios, crafts, cloths, music, books written in different languages, maps, food, etc. as well as participants from those countries available to tell you about their home country and culture. You will meet people from Bulgaria, China, England, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Japan, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Nicaragua, Palestine, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Venezuela. Enjoy talking with our guests and sampling some food from their cultures!
At 2, 2:30 and 3 PM, enjoy watching belly dancing, and dances from Venezuela and India in the Mayfield Room in Youth Services. Registration is recommended to help our participants plan for amounts of food to bring for visitors to sample and enjoy. Registration may be done via the Library’s website Event Calendar https://bit.ly/2MNwT0Y . Go to Saturday, February 9th on the calendar and register at the link for the International Fair. See you there!