Apr 26, 2022 Laptop Kiosk Now Available
The Library now offers HMMPL patrons the option to check out a laptop for in Library use! The self-service laptop kiosk housing 12 laptops is located on the 2nd floor by the Lucky Day books. Laptops are available for checkout and use at the Library by resident cardholders who are 18 years old or older. These laptops may be used anywhere on Library property for your convenience!
What you need to know:
- Only one laptop per library card may be checked out at a time.
- Laptops may be checked out for a two-hour period with one automatic renewal for a maximum of 4 hours per day.
- Laptop charging cables and mice may be checked out separately at the Teen and Adult Services reference desk.
- Printing from Library laptops is available through normal Library public printing processes.
Watch this video demonstration of how easy it is to check out a laptop at the self-service kiosk!