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Sensory Friendly Film Night at the Library

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Sensory Friendly Film Night at the Library

Have you ever heard of a sensory friendly film night?  AMC Theaters were the pioneers in offering movie showings several times per month that take the “shhhhh!” out of movie going for families with special needs members.  At these unique film showings, the lights are up and the volume turned down encouraging attendees to “get up, dance, walk, shout or sing” providing a more accepting environment to enjoy the movie in their preferred manner.


Inspired by big name theaters providing this service to movie-goers and coupled with the fact that the Library is a space that welcomes and serves all, Miss Kelli and Miss Becky wanted to bring a similar adaptive movie experience to our families at HMMPL.  Last September, Coco was shown in the Library’s Hussey room and attended by several families…some with sensory needs and others with small children too young to sit through movies quietly at the theater.  Kiddos were up and about, singing to the music, and having a great time in our welcoming, supportive environment.


Later this month, the Library will offer a sensory friendly showing of the movie Smallfoot (rated PG) on Thursday, January 24th at 6pm.  Families are welcome to bring their own snacks, pillows, blankets or chairs.

Sound like an experience that will fit your family? Register today!