If you are having issues reaching the library by email, please make sure the end of the email address is @HMMPL.org


Request An Item

See if your item is available

Can’t find something in our collection? We can help! We have a large catalog of materials and it can take some searching to find what you’re looking for. To get started, look for your item online to see if it’s available. Go to our Evergreen catalog and type in the item information.

Group of teens working around a computer together

Place A Hold On An Item

If you see the item in the catalog, that means we have it! If it’s currently unavailable, you can place a hold on the item and check it out when it becomes available. We are also happy to pull available items so you may quickly pick them up at your convenience. Click the ‘Place Hold’ button then enter your Library card number and PIN number.

A person placing a hold on a book

Still looking? Connect with us

If the book or material you’re looking for is not at our Library, you can submit a request for purchase. Fill out the form below for the material you are looking for and we will purchase it for you or borrow it from another Library.

Two woman talking in the library lobby

Request an Item