Jun 03, 2024 Share Your Thoughts!
Please complete this survey!
We need your help establishing the focus of our next strategic plan.
The Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library is seeking input from the public as we embark on our new strategic planning process. The linked survey is short, but it is designed to help us discover your aspirations for the community and how the library can help bring them to fruition.
Members of the Library Board of Trustees, the Library Foundation, Friends of the Library, and staff will use the answers to this survey to help guide our planning and goals for the next three years. Our previous strategic plan helped lead the expansion of the library’s service area and the successful opening of our Whitestown Branch.
The short survey linked here may be completed online or with paper copies available at public service desks at each of our branches.
Those who complete the survey will be given the option to enter a drawing for a $100 gift card by providing their name and phone number. If you prefer to remain anonymous, look for the code at the end of the survey to receive a free treat, in appreciation for sharing your thoughts with the library.
We look forward to creating a plan that will reflect your aspirations for the community we serve!