Color Our World Gala – Saturday, May 31st, 2025
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Staff Introductions: Kelli Brooks, Youth Department Head

Kelli Brooks, Youth Librarian

Staff Introductions: Kelli Brooks, Youth Department Head

Get to know the HMMPL staff! Each week, we’re featuring one of our amazing staff members. This week, meet Kelli Brooks, the Youth Department Head at the Zionsville Branch. Here are a few fun facts about her.

Hobbies: Reading, doing puzzles, walking my dog, hiking, visiting parks, camping, and playing games with my family. I recently revisited counted cross stitch.

Favorite Book Genre: Nonfiction, especially Narrative Nonfiction

Favorite Movie/Song/Video Game: Movies: Princess Bride (I read the book first when it came out!), Holes, Raising Arizona

Video Game: Power Wash Simulator (it’s so satisfying!)

Years at HMMPL: 17 years and count

Favorite part of working at the Library: The variety of my day’s activities, helping kids find that one book and seeing them get so excited, as though you gave them a gift they’ve always hoped for, the staff.

Favorite Snack: Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!

Where will patrons find you at the Library: Romping and Stomping! Somewhere in YS.