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Staff Introductions: Kristin Shelley, Executive Director

Kristin Shelley with Librarians in the Teen and Adult Department

Staff Introductions: Kristin Shelley, Executive Director

Get to know the HMMPL staff! Each week, we’re featuring one of our amazing staff members. This week, meet Kristin Shelley, our new Executive Director, pictured above (back right) with Librarians in our Teen and Adult Department. Here are a few fun facts about her.

Hobbies: Baking, walking, reading. I love to bake in the winter. Many years ago , I was on a quest to make the perfect butter pie crust or at least a pie crust that did not use Crisco or shortening. I made a pie a month for work to test out the crusts.

Favorite Book Genre: I like literary fiction and nonfiction books that read like fiction. I truly enjoy a beautifully crafted sentences.

Favorite Movie/Song/Video Game: I can never pick just one, but when I was a little girl I love the song “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da” by the Beatles because I thought the lyrics were “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da like lasagna lala how their life goes on.” One of my favorite meals as a kid was my mom’s homemade lasagna so any song about lasagna was great to me. It was years–and I mean years , like well into adulthood–that I realized the lyrics were actually “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da life goes on, brah…” Nowadays, if you ask me what song will get me on the dance floor, it is the clean version of “Back That Thang Up” by Juvenile with Lil Wayne. Seriously, only the clean version. However, I am a true Bruce Springsteen and Prince fan (not together, but I bet that would have been AMAZING)!

Years at HMMPL: Less than two months.

Favorite part of working at the Library: I love engaging with the community. Having the ability to provide quality programming, services and resources is incredibly rewarding. I love hearing the staff and community’s stories and in turn sharing the library’s story and all the wonderments a public library has to offer.

Favorite Snack: Popcorn. I really love popcorn, even though it doesn’t necessarily love me back. That doesn’t stop me.

Where will patrons find you at the Library: When I am in the library I am on the third floor in my office or wandering around the stacks on the first and second floors. I also have discovered the benches and tables outside. I am known to wander around to check out the building and to say hello to staff.