Dec 22, 2023 Staff Introductions: Mary, Graphic Artist
Get to know the HMMPL staff! Each week, we’re featuring one of our amazing staff members. This week, meet Mary, our graphic artist in the Marketing Department. Here are a few fun facts about her.
Hobbies: Writing and illustrating children’s books, being creative and napping
Favorite Book Genre: Humor, historical fiction and nonfiction, biographies… it varies.
Favorite Movie/Song/Video Game: My playlists are ridiculous because they are all over the map: jazz, bebop, hip-hop, classic rock, punk, classical, etc. There’s an amazing Mongolian folk metal band called The Hu that I love, but I also love The Who. YouTube has some great African Lounge compilations that are wonderful for working or studying. Definitely recommend!
My favorite game is Stardew Valley, as it’s just a sweet, easy way to unwind — and I can relate to its creator, Concerned Ape (Eric Barone) for doing all the work himself because I think we are probably both bad at delegating.
Years at HMMPL: 2+
Favorite part of working at the Library: I see the Library as the hub, heart and spirit of the community, and I love it so much. It is an extreme honor and privilege to promote and share our services with everyone.
Favorite Snack: Pickled chrysanthemum petals and raven’s feathers toasted on the breath of yellow dragons. They have to be yellow. Also gummy bears.
Where will patrons find you at the Library: Most of the time I’m in my secret roost on the third floor designing posters, signs, book drops and anything else the Library needs. I usually deliver the art to the librarians once or twice per day, so you might catch me then.