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Staff Reads: Shutterbug magazine

Virginia Hilbert

Staff Reads: Shutterbug magazine

Shutterbug: The hottest tips, tricks, and expert advice to make you a better photographer. If you take pictures, you probably want them to be good enough to share, especially if your friends and family are the subjects. There’s a little added pressure if you plan to post them to Instagram, Facebook, or any of the social media apps we use! 

That’s why I decided to download this digital magazine offered by the Library through Overdrive and the Libby app. I discovered a lot of great information about composition and subject selection in its pages, as well as recommendations for a first camera (Hmmm… add it to my wish list?) and other accessories like lenses and a tripod.

My favorite article, Narrow Your Focus: How to use lines, patterns, colors, and textures to create eye-catching images, inspired me to consider the space around my subject the next time I start to snap a few quick shots. The photos featured throughout the magazine are also beautiful and inspiring. They often serve as examples of the techniques or tools discussed, or they just make you jealous of someone’s very sharp hot rod. Yes, you’re going to have to read the magazine to learn more about the cool cars.

With your Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library card, you may download this issue or choose from more than 40 other titles now offered through the Overdrive site on your PC or the Libby app on your mobile device. Borrowed magazines do not count toward your 10-title limit, so you may download several issues to browse for 7, 14 or 21 days – your choice – and still check out up to 10 eBooks or digital audiobooks too.

I’ve already downloaded my next magazine, Taste of Home, featuring a cover story about Ooey, gooey grilled cheese. I can’t wait to read it during my next few minutes of downtime. Once I download it to my mobile device, I can read it anywhere, with or without wi-fi or data services.

I hope you’re eager to start looking for a magazine to download too. Get your Library card ready, and log into Overdrive or download the Libby app, and start browsing.