Color Our World Gala – Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Get dressed up, have fun, and wear your sneakers!
Tickets available now!


Stepping Back & Stepping Up

Stepping Back & Stepping Up

To keep our staff & patrons safe while also providing needed services, the Library will be closed (starting Monday November 23) to walk-in traffic. However, we will still be providing curbside pickup, outdoor & virtual events, and offering computer use appointments.

Booking appointments for either curbside pickup or computer use will be made through the myLIBRO app or the Online Web Scheduler. Patrons who are unable to use the app or the online Web Scheduler may call 317-873-8341 to make a computer use appointment.

Computer use and curbside traffic will only be accepted at the 6th street (2nd floor) entrance.


Curbside Pickup

Please visit our Curbside Holds Pickup blog to learn more about this service.

Curbside pickup will operate 10 AM – 7 PM on Monday – Thursday & 10 AM – 4 PM on Friday -Saturday. We will remain closed on Sundays.

Call 317-873-8340 to call about Curbside Pickup! 


Appointment-Only Computer Use

During your appointment you are able to use the Library’s public computers & internet. You are also welcome to do all document services (such as faxing, scanning, and copying).

Appointments are limited to 3 patrons per hour (maximum) and a single one-hour appointment per day per patron. However, exceptions may be made for special circumstances.

While in the Library, you must follow all mask-wearing & social distancing guidelines set by Library policy & government order when using a computer. If you have a special medical exemption, the Teen computer area is available.

Computer use appointment hours will be 10 AM – 4 PM on Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday & 1 PM – 7 PM on Tuesday/Thursday. We will remain closed on Sundays.

Call 317-873-8341 to make a Computer Use Appointment! 


Other Available Services

Bring the Library to your home by checking out our Event CalendarDigital Library services. Also, remember to register for our Winter Reading Program. You can start recording December 1. We have a lot of fun activities and prizes planned!

Our Librarians are ready to answer your questions through our Chat with a Librarian feature on our Website. They are available Monday – Saturday. We look forward to chatting with you.


Need a Library Card?

You can register on our Website and receive your digital card information by email!