Mar 12, 2020 The Library Will be Closed
In the interest of public safety, the Library will close at 8:30 PM tonight, Thursday, March 12, through Monday, April 6. All events and on-site services will be canceled. Outside drop boxes will also be CLOSED.
Due Dates
Please do NOT return items to the Library while we are closed. Due dates will be extended through April 30 and overdue fines will be suspended.
Digital Library
During this closing, cardholders are encouraged to use our many digital services to read newspapers, download eBooks & audiobooks, stream videos & music, browse magazines, and so much more.
Follow us on Social Media for more Updates
We will continue to keep you informed about digital resources that you may use during this Library closing. Check our website and social media pages for updates. While you’re at it, follow us on Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
For more information about COVID-19 developments please check:
Tthe Indiana State Department of Health dashboard at: https://www.in.gov/isdh/28470.htm
The CDC COVID-19 information page: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html