Color Our World Gala – Saturday, May 31st, 2025
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Try Out Our New Water Bottle Refilling Stations

Try Out Our New Water Bottle Refilling Stations

Bring your water bottle to the Library for an easy fill up at one of our new water bottle refilling stations. 

The stations were purchased and installed this past spring with a Community Grant from the Boone County Solid Waste Management District. The District sets aside $25,000 annually for their grant program to help conserve natural resources, decrease dependence on disposal, demonstrate the importance of sustainability, and generally promote improvements in the health and welfare of the residents of Boone County. 

HMMPL’s $4,250 grant was just one of eight grants distributed to non-profit organizations, schools, civic organizations, businesses and clubs operating within Boone County for 2022. With the installation of the bottle fillers, the Library hopes to promote healthy alternatives, reduce waste, and encourage other community organizations to move toward environmental sustainability.

Our new touchless, sensor-activated bottle fillers have saved 1,447 plastic bottles so far since the stations were installed near the public restrooms on the first and second floors of the Library. Users can watch that number go up each time they refill their water bottle by checking the Green Ticker on the upper right corner. The machines also filter and chill the water and have a water fountain component for Library visitors who need a drink but don’t have a water bottle with them.

Unfamiliar with bottle filling stations? Don’t worry. Using our water bottle refilling stations is easy. Place your open water bottle under the spigot in front of the sensor, and the water will flow. When your water bottle is full, pull it away from the sensor and the water will stop. There are illustrations and simple instructions on the machine, too. To use the water fountain component, simply press the push-bar on the front of the drain basin and the water will bubble up.

Our thanks to the Boone County Solid Waste Management District for their generous support for this project!