Color Our World Gala – Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Get dressed up, have fun, and wear your sneakers!
Tickets available now!



Teenage girl searching the library online catalog


Our catalog features more than 135,000 items. Membership at the HMMPL includes the Evergreen Indiana Open Source Integrated Library System as well. This system provides access to materials throughout the state for interlibrary exchange.

A young family looks at the Hussey-Mayfield website on a tablet


Did you know you can get Library materials downloaded directly to your personal devices? With your Library card, you have access to eBooks, free music, and free videos. Take the joy of the Library with you wherever you go.


We have so much more than books at the library! Check out the many different things you can borrow.

A family of a mother and two sons sitting together at the library


Genealogy resources connect people to the past. In a continued effort to preserve the history of Boone County, the Library partners with The SullivanMunce Cultural Center to further serve our community.