12 Jan Staff Reads: Three Great Books for Tweens
Is your Tween looking for their next great read? Consider one of these books written for kids in grades 4 – 6. ...
Is your Tween looking for their next great read? Consider one of these books written for kids in grades 4 – 6. ...
The true story of author and illustrator Uri Shulevitz’s childhood, Chance: Escape from the Holocaust is a fascinating autobiographical look into what it was like...
Front Desk, the award-winning first book in Kelly Yang’s series by the same name, is the story of ten-year-old Mia Tang, whose family immigrated to...
Are you interested in a new coffee joint, full of regulars who lift your spirits with their sweet interactions and total acceptance? Head over to...
Local author, Laura Martin, has a new book, Hoax for Hire, coming out on August 27th and we're excited! So excited, in fact, that we...